Whitepapers and Submissions

Here are some formal submissions and Whitepapers we have developed. This will give you insight into our thinking.


Senate Select Committee on FinTech and RegTech

SUbmission to the senate select committee - fintech and regtech

By Lisa Schutz, CEO, Verifier

This submission was to the Senate Select Committee on Financial and Regulatory Technology. It argues that RegTech seeks to create a win for community and commerce by automating the outcomes the community wants, through laws and regulations, and also supports the monitoring of achievement and adherance.

REGTECH ASSOCIATION SUbmission to the senate select committee - fintech and regtech

by the RegTech Association

This is a submission by the RegTech Association to the Senate Select Committee on Financial and Regulatory Technology. Verifier is a founding member and our CEO, Lisa Schutz is one of the founding directors.


What We Think About Responsible Lending

Submission to ASIC on CP309

By Verifier

Specifically dealing with the proposed CP309.

Responsible Lending, Automated. Better Outcomes For Everyone

Whitepaper on Expense Verification

Having weathered the global financial crisis relatively unscathed, the australian credit industry finds itself under pressure to get its house in order with regard to responsible lending. This Whitepaper comes from the findings of the Expenses Verification Framework Initiative.

Responsible Lending, Automated. Towards a Consumer-Centric Operational Approach

Second Whitepaper on Expense Verification

The major focus of this White Paper is how expense verification should be conducted during the application process. This mirrors the focus of the Expense Verification Framework Initiative to date.

The Paradigm Shift in Consumer Credit Data

Lisa Schutz and Steve Johnson (Principal, FMIA)

Examines the challenges involved in managing the market for credit data.

What We Think About Identity

Why we need to build trust in the data debate

By Lisa Schutz, CEO Verifier

Article in FinTech Business.

What We Think About the Consumer Data Right (Open Banking)

Submission on the Consumer Data Right Framework

by Verifier

Addressing screen-scraping, deletion of data, dashboard access and authorisation.

Response to Open Banking in Australia AUGUST 2017

By Verifier

Proposing a dynamic data sharing system in Open Banking.

Submission on Revised Exposure Draft Amendment (Consumer Data Right) Bill

By Verifier

Recommending that consent should be designated data and that existing privacy protections (under the Australian Privacy Principles and Part IIIA of the Privacy Act) should be modified to ensure appropriate privacy protections for CDR data.

Submission on CDR Legislation

By Verifier

Recommending the prohibition of screen-scraping, clarifying the right to access data and a positive obligation to provide CDR data when requested. Also suggests a federated model for accredited data recipients.

Submissions to the Productivity Commission

Submission to the Productivity Commission

By Lisa Schutz, CEO, Verifier

This submission draws extensively on a paper presented at the Australian Centre for Financial Studies, 21st Melbourne Money and Finance Conference – 18-19 July 2016 “Fintech and Financial Innovation” conference.


By Lisa Schutz, CEO, Verifier

A follow up submission to do two things – firstly, to provide specific information to assist the Commission and secondly to reflect on the overall goal of assisting Australia economically through better data availability and use and suggest some perspectives on governance which might assist.